I. CALL TO ORDER: The Regular Meeting of the Weaverville Fire Protection District was called to order by Chairman, George Owen at 16:10. Members present: George Owen, Dee Potter, Mike Williams, and Bill Britton. Members absent: Larry Helsley. Others present: Chief Scott Alvord, and Clerk Lisa Guglielmina.
A. Approve Regular Meeting Minutes of July 2, 2013 –
B. Approve Warrant List and Journal Entries –
MSC: Williams/Britton approve consent agenda as presented.
A. Discuss/Approve – VFA 50/50 Grant for two TK-790 Radios, Chief Alvord explained that he had submitted a grant for VFA 50/50 in April 2013 for 10 sets of wildland gear. He was informed that there was another 2 million dollars up for grants in round 2 of the VFA grant. He explained the importance of replacing the radio in U-2161 and adding a radio in 2103. There was discussion on the budget and necessity, including the mechanical problems with the radio in U-2161.
MSC: Williams/Potter to approve participation in the 2nd round of VFA Grant for two TK-790 Radios.
B. Discuss/Approve – Expenditures regarding apparatus condition, Chief Alvord presented a power point on apparatus pump testing and rating. He gave a report on all of the engines after the power point and noted that Fred will be replacing a valve for E-2113 because it overheats during the pump test. There was discussion on the OES WT-32 and the pros and cons of the District owning its own in the future. He also stated that it would be a good idea to have a response vehicle at Station 2 on East Weaver. By having a response vehicle there it may help the ISO rating. Chief Alvord will be sorting out general repairs for the engines.
MSC: No action taken.
A. Hazardous Reduction Progress Report: Chief Alvord stated that the program is at a stopping point for the summer and will pick back up again in the fall. There was discussion on the expense of using the RCD chipper; need to come to a less expensive agreement. It was suggested to check with the Trinity River Camp and see if they would rent out their chipper and if it is cost effective.
B. Fire Chief/Marshall Report:
· 2 inspections and another sprinkler test coming up for the Trinity River Lumber Co. New codes to come out in January of 2014.
· 2 new members for North Coast Air Quality-there have been some changes. It was brought to the attention to the NCAQ about their answering machine saying it is a burn day when in fact in Trinity County there is a burn ban. Chief Alvord asked if they could state the burn ban in T.C.
· Replaced the batteries in the alarm system – picked them up in Redding for a lot less.
· Performed a test on the generator-passed quite well
· Ted Pierce and Richard Miller were just hired as temporary employees for the Bally Fire Lookout.
· The Trinity High School Workability Program is going very well; the two boys, Matt and Jon are hard workers.
· ISO Insurance- Chief will be going through the new system; takes about a day to go over it.
· The hose testing is almost finished.
C. Sleeper Program Reports: Chief states that the maintenance is going well at both stations; Ernie is working and Keith is doing a lot of work at Station 2, he is experiencing a bat problem again. The workability boys are doing a lot of work around Station 1.
D. Committee Reports:
· Recruitment Committee: Members are holding steady. The first auxiliary meeting is Wednesday August 7, 2013.
· Collection Committee: Receiving payments on a regular basis
· Contract Committee: No word from the East Connector Project after the meeting a few weeks ago.
· Tuition Committee: No report
· Budget Committee: Final Budget next month; there are no changes as of now.
E. Director Reports: No report.
VI. CORRESPONDENCE: Matson and Isom, the office performing the District’s audits for the last 3 years has advised that any new 3 year contract for audit will have an increase of fees making our annual audits $7,500.00 a year. They explained that doing an annual audit for a special district is very time consuming. There was discussion on looking around to find an office that will do our audit for a price closer to $2,500.00.
VII. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 17:20 hours.
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George Owen, Chairman Lisa Guglielmina, District Clerk